Non-Surgical Disc Care

The human body is an amazing thing. A well-maintained car may last a decade, and you might get five to seven years out of a decent laptop. Yet the human body can go for decades. That said, time wears all things down and the human body is no different. Fortunately, revolutionary treatments, like Discseel, can be used to repair and restore the body, and in this case, the spine. If you live in or near Delray Beach and Tampa, and want to learn more about non-surgical disc care, get in touch with East Coast Discseel. We’ll cover some of the basics below but feel free to reach out if you have further questions. Dr. Gerald (Jerry) Mastaw, our pain management physician, and Dr. Robert Lentz, our anesthesiologist, would be happy to help.

Treating Degrading and Damaged Discs With Discseel

Your spine is truly incredible, being both very flexible and also immensely strong. This combination of strength and flexibility is due in large part to it being made up of small, interconnected bones called vertebrae. Each individual vertebrae is rather strong, but their small size allows the spine to bend and flex. Yet the vertebrae depend on discs, which act as cushions between them, thus reducing wear and tear and protecting nearby nerves and other tissues.

Unfortunately, these discs can be damaged. If you’re in a car accident (among many other events), it could cause the discs to tear. Further, the spinal discs will naturally wear out over time. They can lose fluid and become misshapen, making tears more likely. This is often referred to as degenerative disc disease.

Until Discseel, a leading form of non-surgical disc care, addressing issues with the discs was difficult. Often, treatment meant fusing the vertebrae together with invasive surgical procedures to stop them from moving. While this might reduce irritation, it also makes the spine less flexible, increasing the risk of future issues. Fortunately, we provide non-surgical disc care in Delray Beach and Tampa, FL.

How Discseel Provides Non-Surgical Relief for Serious Disc Issues

Surgery is no longer the only option for dealing with serious disc issues. Discseel uses an FDA-approved injection called Fibrin, which is a natural biological product. Fibrin can be injected into tears in the discs, which will fill in the tears and hold the tissues together. Fibrin is used when tissue can’t be stitched together. Some tissues, like the skin, will naturally heal and fill in with time. Some tissues, including those that make up the discs, won’t naturally repair.

Fibrin can be used to repair the discs and other tissues. This can help reverse wear and tear and protect the spine without the need for permanent surgical procedures, like fusing discs. If you or your loved ones are struggling with disc issues, it’s time to look at non-surgical disc care in Delray Beach and Tampa, FL. Call 561-599-1883 to reach East Coast Discseel. 

Learn if you're a candidate for the DISCSEEL® Procedure

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Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm